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Advocacy Training

Sign up for legislative advocacy training via Zoom on December 27 and 29 at 7:00pm. For more information, contact us!

Réunions du groupe de soutien de Lawrenceville

Nos groupes de soutien se réunissent le 2e jeudi de chaque mois au Théâtre Aurora à Lawrenceville de 7h00 à 8h30. Il y a un parking couvert gratuit attaché au théâtre (l'entrée est au 153 E. Crogan Street). Veuillez utiliser l'entrée du parking et suivre les panneaux indiquant les salles de réunion. Le théâtre Aurora exige le port de masques dans le bâtiment. Veuillez prendre des dispositions pour la garde d'enfants, car nos réunions de groupe de soutien sont pour les adultes (18+) et les adolescents (13-18).

Find a group that's right for you...


Famille, amis, alliés

Ce groupe est disponible pour tous les adultes de la famille, les amis, les alliés et les personnes LGBTQ+


Adultes LGBTQ+

Ce groupe de soutien est réservé aux adultes LGBTQ+.

you matter.png

Les adolescents

Notre groupe de soutien pour adolescents n'est pas encore disponible, mais nous prévoyons qu'il commencera au début de l'automne. Veuillez revenir en août pour les mises à jour de statut.

Teen Group Permission Slip

Teen group members who are attending without a parent or legal guardian on the Aurora Theatre premises are required to bring a permission slip, signed by a parent or legal guardian, each month to our meetings. Only teens whose parents or guardians are NOT attending with them or remaining on the premises need to bring a permission slip. Please download and print the form HERE. If you do not have a printer, you can pick up permission slips at our monthly meetings.

Groups Available Through  PFLAG  National

PFLAG National seeks to connect people with shared experiences each month in virtual support meetings through PFLAG Connects. The Zoom meetings gather people of Latine, Black/African-American, Asian-American & Pacific Islander, and military backgrounds to connect in a safe online environment so that you can ask questions and receive support from others who have been through similar experiences. Additionally, a new group has been made for parents of gender diverse children, called Gender Spectrum Parents. See if one of these communities is right for you:

Black/African American Community

Latino Community / Comunidad Latina

Asian-American & Pacific Islander Community

Military Community

(New!) Gender Spectrum Parent Community

Special Events

Follow our social media pages to learn about special events such as legislative advocacy trainings, social gatherings, local pride events, and more!

PFLAG Lawrenceville



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